Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Make the bed. Gym. Home. Breakfast. Throw another load of laundry in the washer. Fold. Plan supper. Chop onions, peel garlic, potatoes, carrots. Dress for work. Empty the dishwasher. Pay some bills online. Drive. Work. Home. Make a salad. Serve supper. Eat. Clean-up. Pick-up (where does all that stuff come from anyway?) Vacuum. Then up to my sewing room I go, pick up the floral corduroy and my dog-eared Lucy pattern by Children's Corner, lay it out watching my nap--of-course!--cut it out, stitch the side seams, press. Glue-baste ric-rac, pull buttons out of my stash, stitch the lining, the bodice, the hem. Press. Turn it right side out. Press. Stitch the other side seam. Press. Top stitch everything. Buttonholes. Buttons Done. aaahh.
This is why I love sewing: it's one of the few things I do that STAYS DONE!

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